
Axis And Allies Classic Strategy

Axis And Allies Classic Strategy Rating: 4,9/5 4435 votes

50 Games like Axis & Allies for PC Windows, daily generated comparing over 40 000 video games across all platforms. This suggestion collection includes real-time strategy games. The order in this selection is not absolute, but the best games tends to be up in the list. How to restore oil painting.

  1. Axis And Allies Pc
  2. Axis And Allies Original Board Game Strategy
'There is a Heppy Land Furfur A-waay'

First of all, let's assume that Russia plays hard, has ok luck, and successfully takes Ukraine and West Russia. This seems to be the best combination I've found, and it puts Russia up 5 IPCs. So Russia has 3 tanks left in Ukraine (Plus or minus one artillery) and 5-6 infantry, one artillery, and one tank in West Russia, and Archangel/Karelia are open (they get taken anyways >>. Also, that useless submarine has joined SZ 2 with the UK Battleship.
Now it's Germany's turn. Usually, I but 5 inf, 5 art, place 4 of each in Germany, and one of each in S. Europe (to be used by that transport).
My attacks:
1.) Sub (from SZ 8) + fighter (from Norway) + Bomber (From Germany) attack British battleship and USSR sub (in SZ 2).
2.) Fighter (From W. Europe) + fighter (from Germany) + Fighter (from Eastern Europe) attack British cruiser (in SZ 13).
3.) One infantry (From Belorussia) walks into Karelia.
4.) 2 infantry, 1 tank (from Balkans) + 3 infantry, 1 tank (from Eastern Europe) + 2 infantry (from Belorussia)* attack 3 USSR tanks (in Ukraine)
5.) One infantry, one artillery from S. Europe onto Transport to SZ 15. Battleship attacks destroyer. IF (and when) battleship wins:
6.) Infantry, tank (From Libya) + infantry, artillery (off transport) + fighter (from Balkans) attack UK infantry, fighter, tank in Egypt.
*I may leave one infantry behind in Belorussia if Russia didn't keep an artillery in the Ukraine battle.
1.) The USSR sub fails, and you lose a sub for the battleship and the transport (It doesn't matter if the Soviet sub dies or not).
2.) You might lose one fighter.
3.) You just might win.
4.) I'm not going to calculate, but you should lose maybe 4 infantry, and take the territory.
5.) Destroyers aren't such great hitters. It's not likely that the destroyer will hit twice, and your battleship will still miss both times. So you should defeat the destroyer easily.
6.) You should take Egypt with at least a tank and in artillery.
I've played against opponents, and I've won as the allies. But while I'd like to think it's because of my grand strategies (wink) more often then not it is because of stupid play on Germany's part.
If Germany does 1-6, what can the UK do? He doesn't have ANY fleet, save for the lonely transpot in SZ 1. Moreover, Germany's subs and the southern fleet will definitely survive. Meanwhile the UK doesn't have enough money to build a large enough fleet which can overpower the bomber and figher in Norway; the baltic fleet; and possibly the sub that first attacked, and STILL be able to buy things like bombers, or ICs for India.
In solo plays, the complete eradication of the UK fleet (not to mention the loss of Egypt) places him far behind the others, since Germany soon takes Africa, and reinforces it before America arrives. And the USSR, also, isn't making enough cash. So by the time UK gets back on his feet, the war is almost over, and Germany is knocking at the gates of Moscow.
Therefore, I ask of you all: what would you do, as the UK - as the allies - in this situation?
Let me know,
Kris24. Axis and allies online game

Axis And Allies Pc

  • Last edited Mon May 3, 2010 11:08 pm (Total Number of Edits: 1)

Axis And Allies Original Board Game Strategy

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