
Download Mods From Steam

Download Mods From Steam Rating: 5,0/5 9691 votes

I have bought games outside of Steam, for example Fable 3, but I want to install some mods for it from the Steam Workshop. I would prefer to use Steam Workshop to install mods, as I don't trust my abilities to install them manually. Plus it's a lot easier to manage from the Steam Workshop.

I've always played Warband via Steam but it's the first time I download mods from Workshop, since the mod (Warwolf) has to be downloaded from Workshop. I notice when Steam is downloading the mod, it only downloads half of the complete files. I.e., Warwolf is supposed to be around 1 GB, but Steam only download 431 MB.

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What I tried so far:

  • I have installed and logged into Steam,
  • Added Fable as a 'Non-Steam-game'
  • Opened up workshop and subscribed to a mod,
  • then opened the game.

But nothing happened, i.e, No mod was installed when I ran the game.

Obviously Steam isn't picking up the copy of Fable 3 from the 'Non-steam-game' shortcut. How do I tell Steam that I own a copy of Fable 3? Do I need to enter the game's product key into Steam to enable it installing the mods for me?


closed as unclear what you're asking by Xenox, TZHX, Frank, SevenSidedDie, Billy MailmanSep 17 '13 at 0:05

Smart moving mod 1.7.10. Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

1 Answer

No. Steam doesn't know anything about the folder structure of non-Steam games, so Steam doesn't know how to install mods for them. Even though Steam sells the same game, it will never recognise that a non-Steam game you add is the same game.

If you want to have Workshop install Skyrim *cough* 'Fable 3' mods for you, you'll have to actually get the Steam version of the game, either by buying it, receiving it as a gift, or redeeming a Steam Key.


How To Download Mods From Steam

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Download Steam Workshop Mods

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