
Kingdom Come Deliverance Pestilence Bug

Kingdom Come Deliverance Pestilence Bug Rating: 5,0/5 4087 votes
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Kingdom Come: Deliverance officially released today, and with it came many complaints from players about various bugs and glitches they’ve found in the game. In an effort to calm players. This Kingdom Come: Deliverance walkthrough focuses on the main storyline centering around the character Henry, son of a blacksmith of the town of Skalitz, and unfolds as a tale of revenge among.

Group: Main Story

I found quite a pile of Groschen in the Pribyslavitz encampment, which Master Engineer Feyfar subsequently discovered to be fakes. Not only is that a capital crime against the Crown, but it's also proof that there's more going on around Rattay than meets the eye.

Prior quests

To begin All that Glisters you must first complete Questions and Answers.

Quest objectives of All that Glisters

1. Find the German knight in the Sasau inn.

This will be the first objective if you were not able to interrogate the captured bandit and found only a letter in his corpse.

The captured bandit in Merhojed didn't reveal all that much about the forgers. He was evidently just a messenger, delivering a letter, the content of which is quite bewildering, although it does mention some knight from Germany who's on the trail of the forgers and is staying at the Sasau inn. Since this is my only lead, there’s nothing else for it but to visit this mysterious knight at the inn. If he's not there, someone will surely have seen him. Folk notice strangers, especially ones from far-off places.

A letter found on the Merhojed prisoner mentioned a mysterious German knight who had been following the counterfeiters for some time. Apparently he was staying at the Sasau inn. I went to check it out, but I'd come too late and the mystery knight had left Sasau.

1.1. Go to the junction to the north of Rovna.

The innkeeper told me the mystery knight had left the Inn very recently. He had asked about the path to Rovna - specifically about a crossroads by the charcoal kilns north of the village.

Fortunately, the knight had spoken to the innkeeper about the route, so I knew he'd headed for Rovna. I found the crossroads without much trouble, but what I saw there took me aback. Someone had apparently ambushed a merchant wagon there.

2. Go to the place where the counterfeit money is handed over.

This will be the first objective if you managed to interrogate the captured bandit.

The captured bandit from Merhojed told me the place where the fakes were passed by the counterfeiters is north of Rovna. The handover is due to take place any day now. Naturally, nobody from Pribyslavitz will be coming there, so I may yet run into the counterfeiters’ go-between.

The Merhojed captive also told me where the counterfeit coins were handed over, but I got there a little too late. Someone had obviously crossed paths - and swords - with the forgers. I found an overturned wagon and several bodies at the site.

2.1. Explore the crossroads by Rovna.

I'm not sure yet if it's connected with my investigation, but I've a feeling I'll find out soon enough. I’d better take a look around. With a bit of luck I’ll find some clue to what happened here.

At first I found nothing strange at the ambush site. That is, apart from the dead bodies one tends to find at such a location. After a short search, though, I found out that someone had dragged one of the bodies along the easterly trail.

Kingdom come deliverance pestilence bug video

2.2. Follow the trail of blood from the ambushed wagon.

The trail leads from the crossroads along the northwesterly path. I should follow it.

2.3. Find out what happened with the wagon.

The trail from the crossroads led me to the charcoal-burners' camp. It could very well be they who ambushed the wagon, so I'd better tread carefully. At the very least, they surely must have heard or seen something.

2.3.1. Talk to Borya.

The charcoal-burners' chief is a fellow by the name of Borya. They say he’ll tell me what happened at the crossroads.

2.3.2. Talk to the wounded man.

The charcoal-burners brought a wounded man back from the crossroads. I ought to talk to him.

The trail from the crossroads led me to the charcoal kilns. It looked like the charcoal-burners had ambushed the wagon, and apart from the loot, had also dragged a survivor off with them. But before I had a chance to ask him anything of note, the mystery knight appeared on the scene.

3. Catch the mystery knight.

A mysterious stranger was way too interested in the bags that the charcoal men stole from the wagon. When I tried to challenge him, he got on his horse and galloped off. Of course I went after him at once, but even after falling from his horse, the knight didn’t want to give up without a fight. He looked to be an experienced fighter, but unfortunately for him, lady luck was on my side this time.

3.1. Lie in wait for the mysterious knight.

Even if the knight got away from me, I know where he's staying. I can wait for him at the Sasau Inn.

4. Meet with the mysterious Knight by the pond in Sasau.

It seems the foreign knight doesn't want to talk to me in public. I'm supposed to meet him after sunset by the Sasau fishpond.

4.1. Meet with the mysterious Knight at the pond. (I persuaded him)

Ending the conversation in a peaceful way is highly recommended because Ulrich's help can be very useful in the near future.

The foreign knight didn't want to talk to me in public and wanted me to meet him after sunset in an out of the way place.Quite as I expected, it was a trap and the mysterious stranger ambushed me the moment I reached the agreed meeting place. Fortunately, I talked him into putting away his sword.

4.1.1. Give Ulrich’s documents to Tobias Feyfar.

I have to get Ulrich’s documents to Master Feyfar. Perhaps he can help us.

Master Feyfar learned from Ulrich’s documents that the forgers use silver amalgam to plate the fake coins with, and to make it they had to have quicksilver, not something that’s easy to get hold of. They also use up large amounts of copper sheet, from which they make the core of the coins. The direction of the investigation was now clear - to Sasau, to track down the people who are supplying the forgers with materials.

4.2. Meet with the mysterious Knight at the pond. (I overcame him)

The foreign knight didn't want to talk to me in public and wanted me to meet him after sunset in an out of the way place.Quite as I expected, it was a trap and the mysterious stranger ambushed me the moment I reached the agreed meeting place. But luck was on my side and I managed to get the upper hand.

4.3. Meet with the mysterious Knight at the pond. (I killed him)

The foreign knight didn't want to talk to me in public and wanted me to meet him after sunset in an out of the way place.Quite as I expected, it was a trap and the mysterious stranger ambushed me the moment I reached the agreed meeting place. But he bit off more than he could chew - I won the ensuing duel and killed the stranger.

4.3.1. Search the body of the knight.

And that’s the end of the knight. Not so mysterious after all. Only I still don’t know anything. But maybe he’ll have something on him that will give me some clue.

Because I needed to find out more about the stranger, I took to the distasteful but necessary act of searching his mortal remains. As I'd expected, he had some documents on him. Give Tobias Feyfar the documents the knight was carrying.

I got several documents from the dead knight’s body. It would be best to let Master Feyfar take a look at them.

Master Feyfar learned from Ulrich’s documents that the forgers use silver amalgam to plate the fake coins with, and to make it they had to have quicksilver, not something that’s easy to get hold of. They also use up large amounts of copper sheet, from which they make the core of the coins. The direction of the investigation was now clear - to Sasau, to track down the people who are supplying the forgers with materials.

5. Find out where the counterfeiters get the quicksilver.

The forgers need quicksilver to make their amalgam. It’s definitely not a run-of-the-mill item and someone from Sasau must be providing it.

6. (Optional) Speak with Ulrich.

Available only if the conversation with Ulrich concluded with an agreement.

Maybe it would be worth talking to Ulrich. He might know where to start looking.

6.1. Talk to the master fresco painter.

Ulrich told me that there’s a fresco painter staying at the Sasau inn. He’s anxiously awaiting some stock from the monastery, including quicksilver.

The counterfeiters needed quicksilver for making the silver amalgam. As luck would have it, my investigation led me to a master fresco painter, currently staying at the Sasau Inn. He'd been to the monastery three times already to get supplies of quicksilver, which he needed to mix red paint, and each time he was sent away empty-handed. The painter suspects the Overseer’s hand of refusing to sell him the quicksilver, because he has other plans for it.

6.2. Continue the investigation in the Overseer's office.

The quicksilver trail leads to the Overseer’s office. According to the fresco painter, the Overseer’s hand is deliberately holding back the quicksilver he has.

Go to Overseer's office nad talk to Overseer's Hand. Persuade him and you will find out where the counterfeiters get the quicksilver.

I crossed paths with the Overseer's hand and found out what was actually happening in the monastery storehouse. Naturally, it was the hand himself who was behind it and selling the quicksilver to the forgers. He described two people to me, some kind of knight who calls himself Jezhek, and his manservant, Rapota. He was the one he always met up with at the wayside chapel on the hill west of Sasau.

7. Find out who in Sasau works with copper.

Someone in Sasau is supplying the counterfeiters with copper sheets. It won’t do any harm to check out the local forges.

You can talk to Blacksmith Mikesh in Sasau city, he will tell you about Zach.

7.1. Check out Zach the blacksmith.

Zach is highly suspicious. I ought to take a very close look at him.

7.2. I got Vitus to yield.

7.2.1. I got Vitus to yield – by force

Since I had suspicions about Zach the blacksmith, I spoke to his son, Vitus, who was not keen to tell on his father, naturally enough. In the end a few well aimed blows with my fist loosened his tongue. Vitus confirmed my suspicion that they were making copper sheets at the forge.

7.2.2. I got Vitus to yield - with threats

Since I had suspicions about Zach the blacksmith, I spoke to his son, Vitus, who was not keen to tell on his father, naturally enough. For a blacksmith's apprentice, he wasn't so tough. All I had to do was paint a pretty picture of how he'd end up if he didn't talk and soon he was singing like a nightingale. He confirmed my suspicion that they were making copper sheets at the forge.

7.2.3. I got Vitus to yield - with authority

Since I had suspicions about Zach the blacksmith, I spoke to his son, Vitus, who was not keen to tell on his father, naturally enough. It wasn't hard to loosen his tongue though - as soon as I mentioned the name of Sir Radzig Kobyla, he told me everything he knew. My suspicions were confirmed - copper sheets were being made at his father's forge.

Talk to Zach again and tell him that his son has confessed. Persuade him or accept his offer- it means a new quest - Rattled.

7.3. Find out who in Sasau works with copper.

Smiths work with copper, so my trail led to them. My suspicion fell on Zach the blacksmith and soon it proved well-founded. His smithy really was supplying the copper sheets to the forgers. When I wanted to find out more, he tried to make a bargain with me, because if he gave away the forgers, he'd lose business. Which might have been true, but it was also a damned insolence! Naturally I wouldn't stoop so low, but in the end he opened up anyway.

7.4. Find out who in Sasau works with copper.

Smiths work with copper, so my trail led to them. My suspicion fell on Zach the blacksmith and soon it proved well-founded. His smithy really was supplying the copper sheets to the forgers. When I wanted to find out more, he tried to make a bargain with me, because if he gave away the forgers, he'd lose business. He said he'd tell me everything if I did him a small favour. He was pretty insistent, so in the end I agreed.

7.5. Find out who in Sasau works with copper.

Zach the blacksmith's testimony didn’t tell me much more than I knew already. Instead it opened up other questions. He told me the way things worked was that he was contacted by two men, a knight and someone who looked like his servant. The knight gave no name, but the servant answered to the name Rapota. According to Zach they were both pretty adamant and dangerous looking. Zach used to deliver the finished sheets to Rapota at a wayside chapel south of the Sasau woods.

8. Go and speak with Master Feyfar.

Master Feyfar might be in Sasau by now. I ought to report my findings to him and discuss what to do next.

I had a little chat with Master Feyfar and it bore fruit. The Master Engineer surmised that in addition to the quicksilver and copper sheets, the forgers would also need a stamping die. He told me there was one engraver staying in Sasau, a Master Jerome of Silesia, who happened to be an acquaintance of his. Of course, Feyfar didn't suspect Jerome himself, but he thought he might be a useful source of information.

9. Check out the engraving workshop.

Making false punch dies for Prague Groschen requires skilled and experienced hands. And no one has more experience around here than Master Jerome of Silesia. Master Feyfar is convinced he can't be personally involved, but I ought to leave no stone unturned.

It seems that the master engraver really doesn't know anything. But his apprentice, Florian, caught my attention. According to his Master, Florian has been acting strange of late and seems very anxious.

10. Talk to the madam of the baths.

Florian allegedly had a dispute with some bath-house madam. The Master didn't tell me what’s going on, but she might.

Pestilence Kcd

Word had it Florian had some dispute with the mistress of the bathhouse. Someone kidnapped Florian’s girl, Esther. Either someone wanted to get even with him, or it was a case of blackmail. Of course, I couldn't be sure it had anything to do with the forgers.

11. Talk to Florian, the engraver's apprentice.

According to the Master’s description, Florian is definitely on my list of suspects. I need to talk to him.

12. Find out what Florian knows.

The engraver's apprentice, Florian, admitted to me that he's working with the forgers against his will. But he fears for his girl, who they abducted, and won't tell me any more. I'll have to get it out of him somehow.

12.1. Talk to the apprentice engraver, Florian. (agreement)

Florian hardly even bothered to deny anything. As soon as he heard the name Rapota he turned pale and began to stutter. He admitted to me that the forgers had kidnapped his beloved Esther and were coercing him to cooperate. In desperation, Florian asked me to bring Esther back. Until I did, he would say nothing for fear of putting her life at risk.

12.1.1. Help Florian save the kidnapped girl.

New quest - Damsel in Distress.

12.2. Talk to the apprentice Florian. (persuasion)

Florian hardly even bothered to deny anything. As soon as he heard the name Rapota he turned pale and began to stutter. He admitted to me that the forgers had kidnapped his beloved Esther and were coercing him to cooperate. He tried to bargain with me - that he'd tell me what he knew if I rescued Esther. A noble intention, I suppose, but I had no time to waste and I needed know how to get to the forgers. So I forced him to talk.

13. Find Rapota.

Rapota will be following Florian on his way to work and back. Apart from which he often sits on the market square and watches Florian’s house.

14. Stop Rapota.

Rapota evidently wants to avoid questioning. Unsurprisingly. I have to catch him!

He will try to escape to the camp north of the monastery. Catch him and hit him.

I finally found Rapota and decided to get him to talk by hook or by crook. I was none too surprised when he tried to make a run for it, but I was quicker and caught up with him.

I wanted to question Rapota, but the bastard got away.

15. Question Rapota.

It’s time to get Rapota to answer a few choice questions.

When I started questioning Rapota, I was expecting denials, lies and evasions. I was all the more surprised that none of that followed, and I pretty soon got to learn that the counterfeiters workshop is secreted away in the Skalitz mines.

16. Find the entrance to the mineshaft in the Skalitz hills.

I've got to find the entrance to the mineshaft in the Skalitz hills.

16.1. (Optional) Secure Ulrich’s help.

I could ask Ulrich to accompany me to the forgers’ workshop. His help might come in handy.

Go and tell Ulrich that you need a support.

If Ulrich is with you, let him go first and get bandit's aggro.

17. Find the counterfeiters' workshop.

The workshop is located in an abandoned gallery in the Skalitz mines.

18. Arrest Jezhek of Ronow.

The mastermind of the entire counterfeiting operation is some Moravian robber baron, Sir Jezhek of Ronow. He must be brought to justice.

If Ulrich is with you, he'll try to kill Jezhek, so you must convince him to let you arrest Jezhek. You need at least 13(?) points of speech to do this. If you do not succeed in this persuasion, you will have to fight Ulrich. If you can convince Ulrich, you will not have to fight Jezhek, he will just give up.

18.1. Arrest Jezhek of Ronow – after a fight.

I went down the mines all the way to the heart of the counterfeiting operation, to the workshop hidden in one of the galleries. There I found Sir Jezhek of Ronow, the mastermind of the whole operation. Naturally enough, he didn't want to give himself up willingly, and we fought right there in the workshop. I finally got the better of him and was able to arrest him and hand him over to justice, which means he is currently residing in Pirkstein Tower, in shackles.

18.2. Arrest Jezhek of Ronow - having had to kill Ulrich.

Ulrich and I went all the way to the heart of the counterfeiting operation, to the workshop hidden in one of the galleries. There we found Sir Jezhek of Ronow, the mastermind of the whole operation, who was much taken aback by our arrival, especially when he laid eyes on Ulrich. Ulrich dealt with him quickly and brutally, at which point I had to intervene. After all, my orders were to bring Jezhek to Pirkstein, while Ulrich was charged with sending him straight to his Maker. In the end matters came to a head and I had to challenge Ulrich. I wasn’t very happy about it, but as Ulrich himself said, in our line of work, these things happen.

18.3. Arrest Jezhek of Ronow – persuading Ulrich.

Ulrich and I went all the way to the heart of the counterfeiting operation, to the workshop hidden in one of the galleries. There we found Sir Jezhek of Ronow, the mastermind of the whole operation, who was much taken aback by our arrival, especially when he laid eyes on Ulrich. Ulrich dealt with him quickly and brutally, at which point I had to intervene. After all, my orders were to bring Jezhek to Pirkstein, while Ulrich was charged with sending him straight to his Maker. In the end I managed to talk the German knight into leaving Jezhek to me, even though by doing so, he risked the wrath of his own masters, and even his life.

18.4. Arrest Jezhek of Ronow – after some persuasion.

I went down the mines all the way to the heart of the counterfeiting operation, to the workshop hidden in one of the galleries. There I found Sir Jezhek of Ronow, the mastermind of the whole operation. Naturally enough, he didn't want to give himself up willingly, so I had to deploy all my diplomatic tact to convince there was no point in resisting and he’d stand a better chance trying his luck in Sir Radzig’s dungeon. After all, he’d escaped the executioner’s noose once already, so it wouldn't be anything new for him.

19. Return to Rattay and speak with Radzig Kobyla.

I need to get back to Rattay and inform Sir Radzig of all that’s happened.

At this point you can also receive a new side quest - The King's Silver.

I went back to Rattay and Sir Radzig charged me with interrogating Sir Jezhek. He had been refusing to talk and had himself demanded my presence, which suggests he had some ulterior motives.

20. Get the keys to Jezhek’s cell from Bernard

The keys to Jezhek’s cell are with Bernard. I probably won't be able to get in there without them.

21. Question Jezhek of Ronow.

Sir Radzig charged me with Jezhek’s interrogation.

22. Report to Sir Radzig.

Sir Jezhek of Ronow told me a lot of useful things. I should report it all to Sir Radzig.

Jezhek of Ronow told me lots of useful things when questioned, which I then recounted to Sir Radzig.

23. Misc

23.1. Menhart's grave.

Quest log updated:

Ulrich revealed to me where he buried the body of the merchant Menhart. If I take the path northwards from the crossroads where the wagon was ambushed, after a while I'll reach the ruins of a cottage. Menhart is buried somewhere behind it.

23.2. Suspicious sketches.

Quest log updated:

I found sketches of the Prague Groschen in the workshop. It didn't seem likely to be a coincidence.

23.3. Talk to the engraver apprentice Florian. (info)

As I expected, Rapota had been following Florian's every move, which was why he'd been staying at home so much lately feigning illness. And when he was at home, Rapota sat on a bench across the square and watched his house.

23.4. Use the back entrance to the forgers’ workshop.

I found out from Esther’s captor that there’s a back door to the forgers’ workshop. I should take advantage of it.

23.5. Catch the mystery knight.

The mastermind behind the ambush has turned up at the charcoal-burners' camp. Not surprisingly, it’s the very same knight I’ve been after. I have to catch up with him!

The mysterious stranger was way too interested in the bags that the charcoal men stole from the wagon. When I wanted to challenge him, he mounted his horse and rode off. Naturally I set off to chase after him, but he managed to flee.

23.7. The Player found the quicksilver

Out of curiosity I had a quick look in the Custodian’s cellar. And what did I find but several vessels of quicksilver, at least judging by the alchemical symbol on the containers. It seems just about anything can be found around the monastery.

23.8. The Player found copper.

Zach the blacksmith seemed very suspicious to me, so I looked around and behind his smithy I found several baskets full of crude copper. I was curious what he'd have to say about that.

23.9. Catch up with Rapota in the camp.

Rapota got away, but I think he'll be going to hide out in his camp beyond the town, where the suppliers used to deliver him the goods for the counterfeiters.

23.9.1. Catch up with Rapota in the encampment – fight the adventurers.

I caught up with Rapota at his camp site in the company of two mercenaries who never stood a chance against me, much to Rapota’s misfortune.

23.9.2. Catch up with Rapota in the encampment – Ulrich haha

I caught up with Rapota at his camp site in the company of my cohort Ulrich. Sending him on ahead turns out to have been far from a bad idea.

23.9.3. Catch up with Rapota in the encampment – the adventurers are gone.

Catch up with Rapota in the encampment – the adventurers are gone

23.10. Catch the knight at the inn.

As I suspected, after the wagon ambush at the Rovna crossroads, the mystery knight went back to Sasau, where I caught up with him at the inn.

23.11. Catch the mystery knight.

A mysterious stranger was far too interested in the bags that the charcoal men stole from the wagon. When I went to challenge him, he got on his horse and rode off. Of course I went after him at once, but even after falling from his horse, the knight didn’t want to give up without a struggle. He looked to be an experienced fighter, but luck was on my side and the stranger conceded to me after we matched weapons.

23.12. Player summary info.

In the end he turned out to be a fellow called Ulrich. I didn’t know whether to believe him, but it did seem he was also after that counterfeiting gang, though I suppose for different reasons than I. But by ambushing the wagon he took a wrong turn, because the chief witness to the whole operation – the merchant Menhart - died in the skirmish. All he was left with was a bunch of documents from the Passau elders, among them records of interrogations that Ulrich could make little sense of. He gave them to me in the hope that Master Tobias Feyfar will find something in them to help us.

After completing All that Glisters you will get or will be able to get If You Can't Beat 'em.