Please add these games.
2 is superb, never got a chance to play 3 so would look forward to that, and 4 was a surprisingly decent spinoff/sequel hybrid. All three would be a great sight to behold on the GOG storefront one day.
Would buy them instantly!
Ohhh yesss pleaseeee, we need it
god those games are masterpieces and need a proper gog release especially 2 since there is so much to fix
I really hope that someday this wish is fulfilled.
Get em on GOG.. Come On!
Pretty please.
Is it possible? Konami is still alive, although it sucks.
Then I say petition the voice actors from the original game and ask them for the SAKE of the PC gaming community PLEASE forgo your options/rights/extra money so we can play these 3 games please!
Seriously I" m="" not="" above="" asking="" about="" this="" if="" feasible.="">
I just went on E-Bay and Amazon to find a hard copy of Silent Hill 2 for PC. The minimum purchase price on E-bay was $110.00 dollars and that is for a new/used copy of the game. What in the world? <br /> <br />It would be great if we could get a PC version of Silent Hill 2 and 3 re-released on I would purchase a copy.
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Yes, Definetely.
I've been trying to find these games everywhere D=
I'll buy it 100% on GOG! =)
I never played those games, I just know that silent hill is a great horror game, I really want to have it on bring those legends...
I'd buy it without a second guess
Silent Hill Free Online Game
Far cry 3 download completo free.