
Silent Hill Free Online Game

Silent Hill Free Online Game Rating: 4,9/5 2718 votes

The game was inspired by the horror game Silent Hill. When you wake up, you find that you have come to the horrible and dangerous Silent Hill! You must always be cautious, because every move you make may be dead to you! Please think carefully about each action and find the best way to escape this weird world! After committing a very bad crime 9 years ago. People and loved ones have been hurt by you. No one has ever forgiven you and they think you might strike again. You have come back to the town of Silent Hill to find Father Vincent, the only one you know now. Games Being Played Right Now Latest Searches play silent hill 1 online free, doperoms.com, play heroes of might and magic 3 online emulator, need for speed porsche SNES, play super fighters hacked, pokemon silver randomizer download android, the fate of hinata, Barravento O Mestre da Capoeira, zenki game, play pokemon stadium online, ninja.

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452 comments about this wish

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Comment burried. Unhide. .

I think the problem with getting this game on GoG is that Konami deleted the final source code of the games after shortly releasing them on PS2, and they never did a digital release, only retail. The only digital versions of SH2 + 3 are the HD 'remasters' unfortunately, the only other alternative is to buy the game for a lot of money off the interwebz or putting on an eye-patch (if you know what I mean)

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I would def buy, nothing more to say.

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Would instantly buy it. Please, make it happen

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I will name my first born GOG if this happens. This really means a lot to me

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I would love both of these games! I'd buy them in a heartbeat.

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This is definitely my most wished for series to come to GOG! Please make this miracle happen! <br /> <br />In my restless dreams.. I see this game.. Silent Hill.. on GOG.

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Would love to replay this series 4 master pieces on pc!

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Please, bring them too!!!

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Sería muy bueno para GOG y sus usuarios. No olviden a la comunidad hispanohablante.

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One day it will happen

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Для мене історія зі спробами купити ліцензійний Сайлент Хілл почалася вже 10 (ДЕСЯТЬ) років назад. Коли вийшов 'Homecoming' я поначитався відгуків про те, що гра не тру, а сама топова друга частина. Тоді я пішов до місцевого магазину де мені запропонували збірник з купою ігор де була і вищезгадана друга частина Сайлент Хілу. Звісно вона не запустилася. Потім забив на деякий час, потім став купувати ігри в електронному варіанті. Періодично бачив топ страшних ігор і думав що от зараз вже то мені не доведеться для гри качати піратку, але ось іде вже 2019 рік, кількість магазинів ігор все зростає, кількість ігор відстутня в цих магазах меншає, але досі я зась де зможу купити найстрашнішу найважливішу для жанру гру.

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I really want to see this game here too. A 3 pack collection would be excellent. I wonder if they sold any exclusive to Japan only?

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Comment burried. Unhide. .

I just went on E-Bay and Amazon to find a hard copy of Silent Hill 2 for PC. The minimum purchase price on E-bay was $110.00 dollars and that is for a new/used copy of the game. What in the world? <br /> <br />It would be great if we could get a PC version of Silent Hill 2 and 3 re-released on GOG.com. I would purchase a copy.

Hill Comment burried. Unhide. .

Давайте быстрей

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Yes, Definetely.

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Comment burried. Unhide. .

I've been trying to find these games everywhere D=

Silent hill flash game Comment burried. Unhide. .

I'll buy it 100% on GOG! =)

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I never played those games, I just know that silent hill is a great horror game, I really want to have it on GOG.com..please bring those legends...

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I'd buy it without a second guess

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Silent Hill Free Online Game

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Far cry 3 download completo free.

Silent Hill 2 Free Online Game

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