Star Wars Old Republic Trooper Armor
Trooper Click on each image below to go to a specific post for each armor set where you can see larger pictures, where it came from, etc. The TRS. naming conventions used below are internal to this website only and are not related to any SWTOR naming conventions. Hey everyone, this was posted yesterday on ToR's website. Looking good, only a few more armor progression vids to go (Jedi Consular, Smuggler, Imp Agent, Sith Inquisitor). It looks like it's.
I wasn't sure what to expect with the Trooper class. He doesn't get a light saber, he can't channel the Force, and he isn't especially mobile during a fight. For the first few levels I was staving off a mild sense of disappointment. Sure he had heavy armor and carried a big gun, but how can I possibly feel like a powerful character when right beside me Jedi Knights are running around with glowing kill sticks and ForceLeaping their way to victory?
At level 18, I feel silly for doubting the Trooper. After a large number of his abilities were unlocked, it became obvious this class was seriously dangerous. He can wear all armor types, though is best dressed in heavy gear to deflect as much damage as possible while he sprays blaster fire across battle zones. Initially his abilities aren't especially exciting. He gets a Hammer Shot, his core attack, that fires off a volley without consuming his ammunition -- his class-specific resource. Most of his abilities do consume ammo, which slowly regenerates as he fights, and can also be swiftly replenished with a recharge ability that's limited by a cooldown.
Though he gets a few single-target damage bursts, like a channeled Full Auto ability that lets you unload rapid fire energy bolts for a short while, gradually it becomes apparent that one of the Trooper's biggest strengths is delivering devastating area of effect damage. His Mortar Volley, which lobs out a succession of explosive rounds, does heavy damage and knocks over whole clusters of weaker enemies in the process. In practice this means you can approach a group of three of four trash mobs, flatten them to the ground with the mortar volleys and kill them before they have a chance to even get up. I don't know how much this ability might be tweaked before the game officially launches, but right now it's incredibly effective, and saves a lot of time while clearing hostile zones on the way to a primary quest objective.
The Trooper gets a lot of other cool abilities as well. His Sticky Grenade is acquired early on, and though it only attaches to a single target, it will detonate soon after, knocking over lesser enemies in the area as well as dealing damage. If you lob the grenade at weak foes, it has the bonus effects of causing them to flail around like they're trying to swat away bees. And by bees, I mean the explosive stuck to their chest. Aside from serving as a nice touch of detail, the affected enemy also won't attack while flailing around, letting you take a few free shots before the fireworks start.
That's not the only explosive in the Trooper's ability list. The Cryo Grenade affects only one target, but has the advantage of freezing them in place for a short duration. Combine this with a few of the other skills, and it doesn't take long to realize how deadly the Trooper can be. Open a fight against a group of weak mobs with a Cryo Grenade to freeze one, follow up with a Sticky Grenade to cause another to panic, then trigger a Mortar Volley to knock them all over and inflict severe punishment. Then when they're all floundering around under the mortars, the Sticky Grenade will explode, piling on the damage.
Depending on which advanced class you pick, more options are opened up. At level 10 you can branch your class one of two ways. The Trooper can become a defensive-minded Vanguard, or a damage-dealing Commando. I went Commando, mostly because it meant I could then use the obscenely oversized assault cannons, which when stood on end are about three quarters the size of my character model.
Surprise surprise, I was rewarded with yet more area of effect attack options. The Hail of Bolts ability can blankets an area with blaster fire for a sustained period of time. Used directly after the Mortar Volley, it was incredibly effective at knocking out weak enemies. A Plasma Grenade was eventually made available, that detonates and spreads fire to additional targets to burn them over time for even more damage. By the time I stopped playing the beta, I felt confident going into any encounters, and was impressed with how much more powerful I felt at level 18 than I did even at level 10.
An unexpected side effect of choosing the Commando advanced class was receiving a few healing abilities. I have two at level 18, both of which are pretty effective at keeping me (and party members) alive during standard fights. I can combine them with a Reactive Shield ability that temporarily limits incoming damage, as well as No Retreat, which restores health over time and has a long cool down (essentially the Trooper's panic button), to prove especially hard to kill. In fact one third of the Commando's skill tree (which works just like World of Warcraft's talent tree) is dedicated to healing buffs and abilities. I'm really curious to see how heavily armored, heavily armed Troopers will fare in the live game with a healing specialization, especially in PvP. It seems like the class gets a little bit of everything. Despite not having a light saber or Force powers, I by the end of my time with the beta I didn't feel like I was missing out.
As if that wasn't enough, the Trooper can swap between different firing modes. Called 'Cells', only one of these modes can be active at a time to give the Trooper added bonuses to all blaster shots. I favored the Plasma Cell over the Armor Piercing Cell, because it added a percent chance to ignite targets for a short while, inflicting damage over time. It also lets me use High Impact Bolt, a single high damage shot only usable against targets taking damage over time or who were incapacitated.
If you're a seasoned MMO player, you'll know a lot of these behaviors don't exactly work as well in tougher encounters. Against bosses and in Flashpoints, The Old Republic's version of dungeons, spamming area of effect attacks was a great way to kill the whole party by inadvertently pulling in all kinds of additional enemies. A lot of the knockdown and stun effects also don't work on stronger enemy types, meaning the grenade skills and Mortar Volley aren't quite as advantageous. Even so, damage dealing is the Commando's specialty, and I was still able to output quite a bit of punishment with my single target attacks.
Companions factor into the combat to a far greater degree than I expected as well. Every class in The Old Republic gets unique companion characters, AI-controlled fighters who can be fully equipped with gear and level up alongside you. They come with all kind of skills, and can be extremely helpful during a fight, adding additional damage or providing much needed healing. If you don't really care what they do, you can basically just set them on auto-pilot and the computer will take care of their ability use. If you'd rather have more control over how they behave, you can pull their skill bar onto your primary skill pane, then trigger and trigger the commands manually, essentially letting you play two characters at once. Or, if that sounds like too much work, you can specify which companion abilities you'd like the companion to use or ignore, then hand control back over to the computer. As a nice bonus, they can also be deployed while grouped up in a Flashpoint if one of your party members randomly decides to bail out or take an extended bathroom break.
I've focused mostly on gameplay so far and haven't touched the story, and honestly I'm probably not doing you much of a service by explaining exactly what happens. It should be enough to say the Trooper's storyline is full of double-crosses and opportunities to severely irritate NPCs. Your companion will chime in throughout the course of the adventure, and will agree or disagree with some of the decisions you make, affecting their affection rating. I'll expand on the story angle in another story, but for now I'll say the emphasis on character interaction and providing context and motivation for your quests has a big impact on the experience. I felt like my Trooper had a greater purpose than simply killing 4 droids in a particular area for a quest reward. Many quest goals are still pretty standard for the genre, but at the same time the narrative wrapped around each quest is so well presented with voice-acting, detailed character animations and dialogue choices that it's easy to get swept up in the fiction and forget about the menial kill and collect quest goals.
When the game goes live in December I plan on rolling a Sith Inquisitor and picking up the Sorcerer advanced class so I can specialize in healing, but I'm glad I gave the Trooper a shot. It's a surprisingly powerful class that's a lot of fun to use, and now I'm more excited for The Old Republic's launch than ever.
Also, I know this is a minor point, but I love the armor and weapon designs in the game so far. My Trooper looks like he walked off the set of a Star Wars movie, and there's a hilarious 1970s vibe to a lot of the environments of the game and the clothing and hair styles. For instance, I customized the appearance of my Aric Jorgan companion – an intensely serious warrior – with cartoonishly large sideburns. Hopefully the weapon and armor designs further along the leveling path continue to impress, because for me that's a big part of what keeps me hooked on item-driven MMOs like The Old Republic.
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A decorated sergeant in the Republic military, the Trooper is a new recruit into Havoc Squad, the pinnacle of Republic Special Forces, and deployed to the war-torn world of Ord Mantell. Subsequent events catapult the Trooper into the thick of the war - both on the physical battlefield, and politics on Coruscant.
- Asskicking Equals Authority: You get promoted in rank as you complete more missions.
- A Space Marine Is You: Although you're technically not a Marine, it's the closest you're gonna get.
- Badass Boast: Drops a powerful one in Rise of the Emperor, when taunting Vitiate, the former Sith Emperor, into a fight.'Attention former Sith Emperor. Your repeated and horrific crimes against the Republic and innocent civilians throughout the galaxy will not go unpunished. On the authority of the army of the Galactic Republic, I hereby notify you of your impending annihilation. Whatever you truly are, whatever power you think you have, it won't save you from me.'
- Badass Normal: Unlike the unnaturally lucky Smuggler, the Trooper is very explicitly the best of the best.
- Blatant Lies: Depends on the player's choice. During an interrogation by Senators, the Trooper can claim to have no recollection of being on Ord mantel, the planet they just left, depsite the fact that his/her assignment there was common knowledge.
- Blood Knight: One possible response to being asked why they joined the army is 'shooting Imps'. Note that this is not a Dark-side option, meaning even Light-side Troopers may have this shade.
- ...But He Sounds Handsome: While infiltrating the Republic defectors, the Trooper is asked if there's any truth to the rumor that a lone Republic soldier has been single-handedly demolishing their operations. The possible responses are mostly made of this trope, including one in which the Trooper gets to describe him- or herself in breathless awe as a 'one (wo)man army'.
- By-the-Book Cop: Dark-side Troopers tend to follow their orders to the letter, even if they're unethical. Light-side ones, in contrast, go the other way.
- BFG: The Commando advanced class gets this, and it is beautiful.
- Cassandra Truth: After learning that the rest of Havoc Squad has defected, you can cheerfully inform them that you've just deactivated the Republic missile they're gifting to the Empire, so all they have is a giant radioactive paperweight. They don't believe you.
- Catchphrase:
- 'I take it you have a plan in mind?'
- 'What's our next move?'
- 'Now you'll see how Havoc Squad gets things done.'
- Casual Kink: When romancing Elara, in one conversation they ask if she's going to be the promiscuous nurse, the Hutt slave girl, or an ambassador.
- Chainsaw Grip BFG: Provides the trope image.
- Child Soldier: If darkside or neutral, Jorgan mentions in dialogue that you've been fighting the Empire 'since you were old enough to hold a blaster,' implying this.
- Colonel Badass: In Fallen Empire, the Trooper was promoted to Colonel 'posthumously' during the timeskip.
- Deflector Shields: Vanguards. It's how they tank.
- Do-Anything Soldier: Technically, you are an infantry officer. You also pilot a spaceship and run intelligence operations.
- Elite Army: The unit you are part of, SpecForce Division, is explicitly said to be this.
- Elite Mooks: In the eyes of the enemy, you and your entire squad are an example of this.
- Ensign Newbie: If you're light-sided, then you're fresh out of the Academy when you first join Havoc Squad.
- Expy: Though understandably looser than most, this is the guy/gal you'll pick if you're a fan of Captain Rex, Delta Squad, and the other Clonetroopers.
- Extended Disarming: Implied: a guard on Belsavis's orbital station asks the Trooper if they're carrying any rifles, vibroblades, grenades...
- Eyepatch of Power: One of the unique options available for Cyborg Troopers.
- Five-Man Band:
- The Leader: The Trooper
- The Lancer: Aric Jorgan
- The Big Guy: M1-4X
- The Smart Guy: Yuun
- The Chick: Elara Dorne
- The Sixth Ranger: Tanno Vik
- Hurting Hero: Jorgan implies the Dark side and Neutral trooper was a child soldier.
- The Lost Lenore: A male Trooper who romanced Ava Jaxo when they are killed.
- Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: A dark-sided trooper can engage in this to get information from enemy POWs and uncooperative civilians.
- La Résistance: The darkside or neutral Trooper ran one when they were younger.
- Majorly Awesome: They get promoted to Major at the end of the class story.
- Military Maverick: The Trooper can be rather lax about rules, telling their crew they can speak their mind whenever they want and seemingly caring little for formalities and decorum. They can also display a disdain for politics and even lie to the Senators on occasion. Additionally, a light-side trooper will pull Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right! about fifty percent of the time, defying the letter of their orders to uphold the principles of the Republic. The other fifty percent of the time, a dark-side trooper will pull Good Is Not Nice to make sure there's a Republic left to have principles.
- Multinational Team: The Trooper has a very diverse crew consisting of a Cathar (Jorgan), an Imperial Human (Dorne), a Weequay (Vik), and a Gand (Yuun). Gains an additional layer if the Trooper is an alien themselves.
- My Country, Right or Wrong: The Trooper is, naturally, fiercely loyal to the Republic and its ideals. No matter how Dark you play them, they never do anything that actually harms it, and state time and again that they're loyal Republic citizens.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: In the climax of Act 2, they storm the Gauntlet. It turns out that the Imperials were using it as a deterrent to prevent starting a war, despite the amount of fighting the Republic and Empire is already doing. Havoc's actions were simply the straw that broke the camel's back.
- New Meat: It's implied the Light Side Trooper is fresh out of the academy.
- Nothing Up My Sleeve: The Gut ability for Vanguard, which produces a Blade Below the Shoulder.
- Officer and a Gentleman: Light Sided Troopers come across as this in most flirtation dialogues.
- Patriotic Fervor: The Light Side trooper would make Captain America proud, although he gets outshone by M1-4X later on. Further highlighted by the fact that the male trooper's voice actor, Brian Bloom, is also known for voicingCap.
- Pistol-Whipping: The Stock Strike ability is the rifle version.
- Powered Armor: Standard issue for Havoc Squad. Eventually.
- Rank Up: Gets promoted from Sergeant to Lieutenant at the end of the prologue, and then to Captain at the end of chapter one, and finally to Major at the end of their story. After disappearing while fighting the Eternal Empire, they receive a posthumous promotion to Colonel.
- Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: 'Death to all traitors!' is a common enough response when faced with said traitors.
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: Played as a Light-sided Trooper usually results in them disregarding orders they find morally reprehensible and Taking a Third Option to get the job done right.
- Shock and Awe: Has a number of electrical attacks, too.
- Shoot the Dog: Related to Sociopathic Soldier below, it can be argued that a Dark-Side Trooper's actions, bad as they are, will save more people in the long run.
- Sociopathic Soldier: A dark-sided trooper can commit war crimes such as killing wounded enemy soldiers that have surrendered or abusing their position as an officer in the army to extort money and resources out of people.
- One of the first Tatooine missions actually has an option to demand sex from a woman you just saved from exploding droids.
- If you're dark, or gray leaning dark, it's implied in a conversation with Jorgan that (in contrast to New Meat, above) you'd already seen some pretty brutal fighting before the game even started, which he thinks might have an effect on someone...
- Depending on the exact choices you make, it's easy to play the Trooper as any variety of this, from ultra-nationalist (although the Light-Side trooper also has this), to signed up for slaughter, to (perhaps most accurately), a cross between scared kid forced into war and biting back/broken man who'll get his hands dirty to end the war quicker
- Sticky Bomb: The aptly named 'Sticky Grenade' skill.
- Stuff Blowing Up: Gets plenty of explosive attacks.
- Survivor's Guilt: Implied-if you sacrifice Jaxo, they will wish that they had been faster to save her.
- Swiss Army Gun: From the start, their weapons qualify as these - the basic Trooper starts out with a blaster rifle that also fires grenades or mortars. Both advanced classes can also (potentially) fire off incendiary rounds.
- Vanguards get to add a Lightning Gun to their rifle's function, as well as possibly having a shock prod built into the stocknote and a Grappling-Hook Pistol function to pull enemies to them. This means that Vanguards have effectively turned a long-range, precision rifle into a close-range lightning gun of death. Then again, that's a good idea when you're facing Force users and you don't want to have your shots deflected back at you...
- Commandos' Assault Cannons can shoot rounds that create gravity vortexes on the target (not as spectacular as it sounds - it simply debuffs the target's armor), or fire healing beams at their allies.
- Treachery Cover Up: An even more horrible version than usual: at the end of their Tattooine arc, choosing to kill Fuse will cause General Garza to send an email to you stating that his body was found...and his death will be explained as a speeder accident.
- If you chose to kill Tavus The record will show that he died from complications after being injured on a mission. He is being hounered as a hero of the Republic.
- Uncertain Doom: If the Trooper did not become the Outlander in Fallen Empire, the codex states they disappeared sometime during the invasion. Specifically, they mysteriously vanished while exploring the edges of Wild Space.
- With This Herring: Upon arriving to help save a Republic world from civil war, the elite special forces soldier is equipped with what essentially amounts to a T-shirt and flashlight. This especially stands out since every other squad member gets a Havok unit uniform issued to them on joining.
- Justified: You have just been assigned and have not received your gear yet and there is no time to fit you when you arrive. As you complete missions on Ord Mantel, you receive the pieces of Havoc Squad's armour. If you do enough side-quests, you will have a complete set by the time you leave.
- Worthy Opponent: Rakton flat out calls the Trooper 'the only worthy opponent I have ever fought'.
- You Are in Command Now: After the defection of the original Havoc Squad and Jorgans demotion, the Trooper is placed in charge of the new Havoc Squad.
Lieutenant Aric Jorgan
A Cathar stationed on Ord Mantell, in charge of the local loyalist forces. He starts out as the superior and Mission Control of the Republic Trooper, during the first phase of the game. After Commander Harron Tavis defects to the Sith Empire with the rest of Havoc Squad, Jorgan is scapegoated for the defection by Republic High Command, and demoted to Sergeant. Recognizing his loyalty and service record, he is reassigned to the now undermanned Havoc Squad, joining as a companion character for the Republic Trooper. Romance option for female Troopers. Originally, he was the class's ranged damage companion.
In Knights of the Fallen Empire, he has been promoted to Major and is now the new commander of Havok Squad. Having grown sick of Saresh's rule, he and his unit have gone rogue to take the fight to Zakuul.
- Ambiguous Situation: In Chapter XII of 'Knights of the Fallen Empire', if you send him to destroy the GEMINI signal, he suddenly drops out of contact behind enemy lines. The next chapter reveals that he survived, at the cost of the rest of his squad.
- Bald of Awesome: His default appearance, despite being a cat-man.
- BFG: Prior to the rework he was originally equipped with an Assault Cannon when he first joins Havoc Squad, often having higher DPS than the player character does upon recruitment.
- Cat Folk: He's a Cathar, a species with a distinctly feline look.
- Cold Sniper: Before Ord Mantell, he was a member of the 'Deadeyes' sniper squad and as of the rework he uses Sniper Rifles as his main weapon.
- No Sense of Humor: Strangely, he seems to be one of the few companions with this trope who (usually) doesn't appreciate it if the PC is also snarky.
- Enemy Mine: In Knights of the Fallen Empire, he tells an Imperial-aligned Outsider that in another time he'd gladly take out his pension just to take the shot at you, but he considers Arkann a big enough threat that he'll deal with you.
- Gameplay and Story Segregation: Originally, he used an Assault Cannon despite being stated to be a sniper. However, as of the 4.0 patch he's been retooled to use Blaster Rifles and Sniper Rifles.
- Interspecies Romance: Since the Cathar were not a playable species until patch 2.1, any romance with him beforehand was this. (And it's still pretty common, since Cartel Coins have to be spent to unlock them.)
- The Lancer: Fills this role in the Trooper's squad.
- Love Interest: For a female trooper.
- Killed Off for Real: In Chapter 13 of Fallen Empire, either he or Kaliyo can potentially be executed by the player.
- My Country, Right or Wrong: In Fallen Empire while he's still loyal to the Republic, Jorgan hates Saresh and her puppet's dictatorial rule to the point that he and Havoc Squad has gone rogue in order to take the fight to Zakuul.
- Only Sane Man: Possibly excepting the player, he is this for the Trooper's Main storyline. He dislikes both Just Following Orders, and Knight Templar attitudes. In every other situation, he likes dutiful and respectful remarks, and dislikes bravado and greed.
- Rank Up: In Fallen Empire, as the new commander of Havoc Squad he is now Major Jorgan.
- The Scapegoat: As mentioned above. When Havoc Squad defected and stole a WMD for their new Imperial masters, Republic Command chose to save face by blaming the officer in charge of Spec Ops activity on Ord Mantell for not anticipating it.
- Scary Black Man: Alien, but his dark skin and fur qualifies him anyway.
- Sergeant Rock: An efficient overseer, committed to the Republic's ideals, but pretty condescending and dismissive of the Republic Trooper when he/she first shows up. Only at first though, as the player character proves their skill while questing to save Ord Mantell in the first part of the game.
- If you're planning on romancing him, you'd be wise to become this trope as well (at least while he's around).
- Straw Civilian: Affection gains and losses on Nar Shaddaa and his interactions with Theron in Fallen Empire indicate that he has this attitude towards the SIS.
- You Are in Command Now: By the time of Knights of the Fallen Empire, he's the new commander of Havoc Squad as the only member still on the roster.
Elara Dorne
A former Imperial soldier who defected to the Republic over moral differences, Elara Dorne is a combat medic serving on Taris where she is recruited by the Trooper to fill the same job in the reformed squad. Romance option for male Troopers. Originally, she was the class's healer companion.
- The Atoner: She hasn't committed any atrocities herself, but desperately wants to prove to everyone her loyalty to the Republic despite her background as an Imperial.
- Babies Ever After: What she hopes for if you complete her romance.
- Badass Bookworm: She's not only a skilled Combat Medic, but also an expert in both Republic legal terminology and medical science.
- Badass Bureaucrat: Well-versed in legal terminology, and has probably learned both the Imperial and Republic codes and regulations off by heart.
- During her romance sequence Elara keeps track of the squad's paperwork, calculates how long it will take each member to fill theirs out, sends you around with
A prototype assault droid, possibly the most advanced in the Republic military, M1-4X is programmed to be the ideal soldier and specifically designed to be a part of Havoc Squad. The Trooper recruits him/it on Nar Shaddaa. Originally, he was the Trooper's ranged tank companion.
- Apologetic Attacker: As he was programmed to be incredibly patriotic, he hates being forced to attack the player, to the point he actually gives the player advice on how to destroy him.
- The Big Guy: Your first tank and one of the biggest companions in the game.
- Blood Knight: The only way to describe his viewpoint on Imperials. Justified, he was programmed that way.
- Defeat Equals Friendship: After it's revealed that Captain Andrik and his group are traitors, they use Forex's command codes in order to force him to fight the Trooper. Afterwards, he was rebuilt and put in Havok Squad.
- Good Is Not Nice: Patriotic to the point of zealotry. Seeks to uphold the Republic's ideals in everything that he does. Volunteers himself on assassination missions purely to boost Republic morale. He also tends to approve of overwhelming brutality towards the Empire and any enemy of the Republic.
- Likewise, in Knights of the Fallen Empire he'll only join the Alliance if the Outlander is a Trooper or wins a significant number of player versus player battles against the Empire.
- Large Ham: He's programmed to be an overly enthusiastic, patriotic soldier.
- Mythology Gag: He shares a voice with the 'newsreel narrator' charater from Clone Wars and is a hyper-patriotic character who eventually starts composing Republic propaganda.
- Mutually Exclusive Party Members: In Knights of the Fallen Empire, the Outlander's faction background determines whether or not they get to recruit Forex or Pierce.
- No Sense of Personal Space: His companion AI is set to follow as closely as other companions - unfortunately, being much larger than most of them, this leads to him somehow always parking himself right on top of things you're trying to click.
- Offscreen Moment of Awesome: If you encourage him to take initiative in attacking the Empire he'll often bring up a target for Havoc Squad to take down before the screen briefly fades to black. When it fades back in he'll give you an incredible tale of amazing heroics that most likely would have been impossible to render in the game's engine due to an overload of patriotic-powered awesomeness.
- Override Command: Though he hates it when forced to do things against his will.
- Patriotic Fervor: Parodied. He does nothing but spout extremely exaggerated patriotic slogans whenever he gets an opportunity to speak, whether it fits the situation or not. The Trooper can call him out on it multiple times, to no effect.
Tanno Vik
A Weequay demolitions expert born on Nar Shaadaa. Formerly serving the Republic military, Tanno Vik was faced with criminal accusations throughout his short career, until he was finally convicted for masterminding a protection racket while defending a Republic outpost on Talay. After his discharge, Vik resorted to mercenary work, and still plies his abilities in the galaxy's deadliest conflict areas to this day. Originally, he was the Trooper's melee tank companion.
In Knights of the Fallen Empire, Vik runs a weapons smuggling gang in Asylum and is found in conflict with the engineer Tora.
- Affably Evil: Downplayed. As far as his biography has told, Tanno is charming, but amoral, and much more interested in achieving his own goals first. As long as the Trooper lets him continue his criminal activities he's fairly easygoing and will always give them a cut, seeing them as a business partner.
- Affectionate Nickname: He calls you 'boss', while everyone else calls you 'sir', which is just one of the things that marks him as different from the other companions. note
- Awesomeness by Analysis: His biography mentions that he impressed his instructors with his ability to quickly find structural weaknesses in buildings and vehicles.
- Berserk Button: Insulting his mother means that he's obligated to kill you, though he's willing to drop it if he's convinced otherwise. He even tells the Trooper that he'd kill them if they did it.
- Demolitions Expert: His military specialty and why he was recruited into the squad.
- Demoted to Extra: Compared to other returning companion characters in Fallen Empire, you don't even get the chance to recruit him even if you're a Trooper. You simply get the choice of either negotiating with him or killing him. Granted, you meet him before the establishment of the Alliance.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: He takes insults about his mother very personally since his mother died to make sure he survived as a baby.
- From Camouflage to Criminal: While he already had a shady past due to growing up in Nar Shaddaa, his time in the Republic military gave him the skills and experience to be an even better criminal.
- Genius Bruiser: He's skilled with explosives, capable of stringing the Balmorran resistance along and has the savvy to run criminal operations without getting caught. He's also the most heavily-built of the humanoid companions. Valkorion himself considers Vik the real brains of the squad, referring to him the 'Scheming manipulator'.
- Hot-Blooded: He's been called belligerent and rebellious in his biography, to the point where his disregard for authority is what prevented the Republic Special Forces from recruiting him. In the game however, he's surly but otherwise fairly calm.
- Killed Off for Real: He is the first of the original companion characters that can be killed off in Knights of the Fallen Empire. note
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: Agreeing to his offer to sell the missiles off leads to them being bought by Darmas Pollaran of the Smuggler storyline, who also happens to be an Imperial Agent.
- Punch-Clock Hero: While he lived on Nar Shaddaa, Vik hopped around various gangs as a demolition expert, which earned him more than a few enemies, whom he escaped by enlisting. He doesn't think much of the moralistic side of the war either, and freely lines his own pockets during off-duty hours while sharing the proceeds with his boss. Considering Nar Shaddaa is an utter Wretched Hive, his shady past and self-interest aren't too surprising, mind you. When he reunites with the Trooper in Fallen Empire, he's just as blase towards them as he is with any other Outlander since he no longer recognizes them as his commander.
- Recruiting the Criminal: Despite being dishonorably discharged, he's considered a good enough demoman to be sought after by Garza.
- Ship Sinking: There's no real flirting possible anyway, but in his final conversation, as a female trooper you can ask if he's hitting on you.'Don't be dense. You're not nearly trashy enough for me. Plus your people are ugly as Hutts.'
- Still Wearing the Old Colors: Despite no longer being part of Havoc Squad by the time of Fallen Empire, he still wears the brand on his armor for the influence it gives him.
- Token Evil Teammate: He is a self-interested criminal who is also the only member of the new squad that isn't loyal to or even interested in the ideals of the Republic. He's only in the army to benefit from the protection against the criminals that are after him. And his personal quest involves him trying to persuade you to abuse your position as a Republic officer to run a criminal racketeering gang with him.
Sergeant Yuun
A male Gand Findsman and Republic soldier, Yuun is a highly capable technician in the military and shamanistic tracker among his people, though some find his insectoid appearance disturbing. He joins the Trooper's squad on Hoth, and was the class's melee damage companion.
- Because Destiny Says So: As you learn during one of your conversations with Yuun, he first joined the Republic army because of a mild case of this; as a Findsman, he is called to follow signs and paths note , and when signs pointed him away from the Gand and to the galaxy at large, he couldn't ignore the path. After getting out into the galaxy at large and discovering the Empire's goals, he joined the Republic army because he felt that was why the signs pointed him away from the Gand—to stop the Empire from destroying so much.
- In Knights of the Fallen Empire the signs bring Yuun immediately into the Alliance's fold almost as soon as the Outlander is thawed. If the signs say he's following a Sith Lord, ruthless bounty hunter, or former Imperial Intelligence agent, so be it.
- Bizarre Alien Biology: As a Gand, Yuun breathes ammonia. The Encyclopedia mentions that this is effectively a handicap in a galaxy prominently populated by oxygen-breathers, and if his mask were to malfunction or be damaged, he would die. Between that and Gand soldiers being rare, his superiors rarely put him in combat units until he was recruited into the new Havoc Squad, opting to take advantage of his technical and tracking skills.
- The Engineer: He's recruited to be Havoc Squad's tech specialist. He's so talented that he's Dr. Ogguropp's first choice for a recruit.
- Insectoid Alien: He is a Gand, meaning that he looks like a walking fly.
- Real Men Are Pink: His default character model is pink, and his role in the party is primarily that of a damage-dealer.
- Scarily Competent Tracker: As the Trooper player character finds out during a conversation with Yuun, Yuun was recognized among the Gand as worthy of having the personal name of 'Yuun' because he completed training as a 'Findsman'; a Findsman's job is to find criminals, missing persons, or lost objects.
- Seven Heavenly Virtues: Sergeant Yuun embodies the virtue of 'patience'. He likes Trooper player characters who exercise patience and restraint in their dealings with others, and he practices meditation.
- Simple Staff: He uses the techstaff as his main weapon.
- The Stoic: Though if the Outlander is the Trooper, he has a moment where he questions his sanity.
- Third-Person Person: Justified. As part of Gand culture, he has yet to earn the right to use personal pronouns such as 'I' or 'me'.
The Republic


General Elin Garza
A Republic general noted for her strict nature and almost trigger-happy stance on the war, Garza was among the co-founders of the Republic Special Forces (i.e. the Trooper) division.
- All There in the Manual: Her full name and much of her backstory is fleshed out in supplementary works.
- Back for the Dead: In the Nathema Conspiracy questline, if the Trooper sided with the Empire in Iokath then Garza joins the Order of Zildrog for revenge and is later sacrificed.
- Blatant Lies: She's adamant that no one be told about Havoc Squad's defection to preserve operational security and continues to order the secret be kept even well after the advantages have evaporated. The fact that this covers up a massive mistake on her part is apparently completely coincidental.
- Evil Counterpart: She's this to Keeper, oddly enough. They both are a Benevolent Boss who works to shield the player from scrutiny and hide quite a bit from their superiors. Keeper does this because the Sith are unstable psychopaths remarkably unsuited to overseeing intelligence operations and are fond of killing valuable agents for minor errors. Garza covers up her actions to get around those pesky laws and to avoid having to be held accountable for her actions.
- General Ripper: She tends to advocate for the most brutal and destructive options, including capturing Imperial WMDs to be used against the Empire. It's up to the Trooper to decide whether or not to follow them. Her recklessness finally catches up with her in Shadow of Revan.
- Iron Lady: It's probably not a surprise that she's not one to be trifled with.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She's a no-nonsense taskmaster who has a vision for success that may or may not involve making some very morally ambiguous choices. She's also A Mother to Her Men who looks after her troops, defends them from obstructive bureaucrats, and honestly praises their accomplishments, even if they fall short of the outcome she hoped for. She's also remarkable forgiving when Harron Tavus is finally captured.
- Jurisdiction Friction: She's not very forthright with information, which really irks the SIS. She's also totally wrong in distrusting them; if you're honest with Agent Jonas Balkar, he is completely helpful.
- Knight Templar: She faces frequent accusations of ordering covert assaults on Imperial holdings throughout the galaxy. She's also willing to order the execution of innocent people on the slightest chance they might have been converted into cyborg Manchurian Agents.
- Military Maverick: In theory, she's beholden to the Senate. This doesn't stop her from lying to them.Garza: Of course not. You've only just told me about Tavus's Defection.
- Necessarily Evil: Most of the time when Garza orders you to perform a dark-sided option, this is usually her justification.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: After Havok Squad was moved to the front lines on the orders of Supreme Commander Malcolm, Garza created Eclipse Squad, a squad enhanced with Rakatan cybernetics as a SpecOps replacement. Unfortunately, the soldiers went crazy and she needs the Trooper to clean up her mess.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Despite her reputation and how she occasionally orders you to commit morally questionable actions, she comes across as one since she understands the hardship that you and your men are going though and doesn't give you anything more then a harsh lecture even when you disobey said questionable orders.
- After you complete Jorgan's companion quest, she tells you that, despite disapproving of you using Havoc Squad for an unauthorized op, she is making it a SpecForce assignment, overruling the SIS major who wanted to blackball your career because you and Balkar went over his head.
- Retired Badass: She used to be the commander of Havoc Squad before she was given a desk job.
- Another layer in Shadow of Revan. After the Eclipse Squad debacle, she fully expects to be put out to pasture.
- The Rival: A major political rival to the Supreme Chancellor.
- Shadow Archetype: To Keeper in the Imperial Agent's storyline. Both are the commander to the military classes of the factions and both tend to advocate shady actions, though Keeper is more about mitigating destruction while Garza encourages it.
A talented field operative for the Republic's Strategic Information Service, Jonas Balkar has led an impressive career despite his young age, earning him undercover placements on high-risk worlds such as Nar Shaddaa and Balmorra. His exceptional planning and investigatory skills have led to numerous Republic successes, both seen and unseen.
Personnel records also make particular note of Balkar's charming demeanor, encouraging his assignment to operations where personal interactions are key—particularly interactions with female subjects.
He supports the Republic Trooper through out the whole story, serving as the main SIS contact of the character.
- Bi the Way: In the Jedi Under Siege expansion, he'll flirt with both male and female player characters.
- Could Say It, But...: He's not above using this method to let information slip to the Trooper when he's not supposed to, such as in Jorgan's personal mission 'Missing In Action':Jonas: I've got major players breathing down my neck. Otherwise, I'd tell you to investigate that prison the Imperials set up in Shadow Town.
- Ship Tease: Female Troopers can flirt with him quite a bit, much to Elara's disapproval and Jorgan's dismay.
- This continues when he returns in the Jedi Under Siege expansion, and now extends to male Troopers as well.Trooper: I thought you'd forgotten about me.
Jonas: A face like yours? Never.
- This continues when he returns in the Jedi Under Siege expansion, and now extends to male Troopers as well.
Sergeant Ava Jaxo

A Republic Sergeant who assisted the new commander of Havoc Squad during the Cold War and the Second Great Galactic War between the Republic and the Sith Empire.
- Due to the Dead: If she is sacrificed to rescue the prisoners, the Trooper can abstain from telling the rescued commander that Jaxo begged them to let the prisoners die instead.
- Explosive Decompression: Either she dies this way, or the 300 Republic prisoners you were supposed to rescue do.
- Hesitant Sacrifice: Said during the rescue operation when she learns the only way to save the prisoners is to vent the area she is in. Very heartbreaking for male Troopers who romanced her.
- Optional Sexual Encounter: After a joint operation to rescue a kidnapped Senator and midway through chapter 2, she invites the Trooper to her apartment on Coruscant. A male trooper can explore this option each time.
- Romantic Runner-Up: Inevitable when it comes to male Troopers who explored her Optional Sexual Encounter early on, but romanced Elara later on. When you catch up with her, she still shows clear signs of attraction, but she accepts it and wishes both of you well. In a meta sense as well, as her romance with the male Trooper either ends with Jaxo spaced or so traumatized she doesn't want to see you again.
- Sadistic Choice: Saving her or the prisoners at the cost of their lives.
- 'Shaggy Dog' Story: Letting her die is pretty hard to watch, especially if you're romancing her. On the other hand, letting her live leads to her suffering from Survivor's Guilt, and you won't ever talk to her again after that.
- Survivor Guilt: If you choose to save her at the cost of the prisoners' lives, Jaxo's hit heavily by this once she realizes how many died just to save her. As a result, she can't bear to talk to the Havoc Commander again.
Star Wars The Old Republic Trooper Armor
The Sith Empire
Harron Tavus
The commander of Havoc Squad when the Trooper arrives on Ord Mantell, Tavus is a distinguished war hero and considered one of the best soldiers in the Republic. At the end of Ord Mantell, he and the rest of Havoc Squad defect to the Empire and leave the Trooper for dead. The rest of Chapter I consists of hunting him and the other squadmates down.
- Apologetic Attacker: He doesn't like having to kill you off, and ponders whether you may have joined him if you'd served together longer.
- Better to Die than Be Killed: If the Trooper tries to bring him in to stand trial rather than bringing him in to Garza, he decides that he'd rather go out fighting than be marched around as a prisoner.
- Arc Villain: For Chapter I
- Defector from Decadence: In his own mind.
- Easily Forgiven: If you let him live, General Garza is surprisingly magnanimous.
- Face–Heel Turn: He defects to the Empire in the prologue.
- Honor Before Reason: Why he refuses to let Wraith just execute you: he feels he owes a fellow soldier an explanation.
- Hypocrite: He defects to the Empire, which treats soldiers like dirt.
- Karma Houdini: Potentially, if you decide to deliver him to Garza.
- Moral Myopia: He and his squad decry the corruption of the Republic while engaging in acts of terrorism.
- Straw Civilian: How he views non-military folk.
- Villain Has a Point: The player can encourage him to turn himself in with the idea that his trial would be a chance to get the truth of how he and his men were abandoned on Ando Prime out. He refuses on the grounds that Garza would just cover everything up. Given there have been been several instances of Garza masking unsavory events, possibly with the player even helping, this is a fair concern.
- Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: Inverted. He denies Wraith an easy opportunity to kill you In the Back so the Imperials present can give you a warrior-style death, which he feels you deserve.
The Original Havoc Squad
- Black and Grey Morality: A truly bizarre take on this trope. Havoc Squad admits the Republic is flawed (grey) and the Empire is evil (black), but they choose to defect from the flawed-but-mostly-good Republic for the truly-evil-and-corrupt Empire, merely because (in their minds) one of the Republic's flawed actions was against them, while the Empire's many atrocities weren't directed against them personally.
- Defector from Decadence: They view the Republic as a corrupt government that treats their soldiers like dirt.
- Hypocrite: So they join a government that's corrupt and treats their soldiers like dirt, and they treat other soldiers in turn as expendable resources. The Trooper can actually get an Imperial officer to peacefully give them information by pointing out that the Havoc traitors left him to die at their hands.
- Heel Realization: Fuse and Tavus will both realize joining the Empire was a bad idea. Tavus can be convinced to come back to the Republic; Fuse realizes it before the Trooper catches up with them and is willing to sacrifice himself to make up for his mistake.
- Hypocrite: So they join a government that's corrupt and treats their soldiers like dirt, and they treat other soldiers in turn as expendable resources. The Trooper can actually get an Imperial officer to peacefully give them information by pointing out that the Havoc traitors left him to die at their hands.
- Five-Man Band:
- Big Bad: Harron Tavus
- The Dragon: Zora, aka 'Wraith'
- The Evil Genius: Ryler Dorant, aka 'Needles'
- The Brute: Bex Kolos, aka 'Gearbox'
- The Dark Chick: Vanto Bazren, aka 'Fuse'
- Foil:
- To Elara Dorne. Elara defected from the Empire for moral reasons, and loyally serves the Republic no matter how much they openly despise or distrust her. The old Havoc Squad defected for selfish and immoral reasons, yet despite being accommodated surprisingly well for traitors, they feel no qualms about treating their Imperial allies with contempt, or betraying/abandoning them on whim.
- To Quin. Like Quin, they are highly competent soldiers that have been poorly treated by their superiors. Yet where Havoc squad defected to the enemy, Quin remained absolutely loyal.
- Heel–Face Turn: By the end of Chapter I's light side path, Tavus rejoins the Republic, out of remorse for his fallen comrades, and Fuse has been saved after helping bring Havoc to a secret Imperial base on Tatooine and being left to die by them.
- Insane Troll Logic: Their decision to defect boils down to this. Any time the player tries to point out how the Empire is worse than the Republic in every conceivable way, including how they treat their soldiers, they find some mental gymnastics obstacle course around it.
- It's All About Me: Furious with the Republic for (supposedly) leaving them to die on a mission? Understandable. Defecting to the Empire, which treats their soldiersworsein every way? No. But every time the player tries to point it out, their answer boils down to: 'We know the Empire commits endless atrocities, but they never did it to us.'
- Never My Fault: To say they have this mentality is an understatement.
- Obviously Evil: Come on, was anyone really fooled by Needles? And even Wraith...
- Playing with Syringes: This is Needles' specialty. He's found in a lab on Taris bioengineering a weaponized Rakhghoul virus.
- Self-Serving Memory: There are suggestions that the mission they were 'abandoned' on was neither authorized by the senate nor Garza, and was putting Republic citizens at risk.
- Sociopathic Soldier: All of them besides Fuse give this sort of vibe. Is it any surprise they defected to the government that approves of this sort of behavior?
- Stealth Expert: Wraith, naturally. During your mission on the Justice, she sneaks up on you.
- Straw Civilian: They despise the Senate for 'abandoning them on Ando Prime.'
- The Unsolved Mystery: Why were they abandoned? Depending on who and what you believe, they were either: A) send on a suicide mission by the Senate, then deliberately left to die. B) Send by Garza on a mission that was not authorized by the Senate, and the Senate refused to send backup when it went wrong. C) Went on a mission without authorization from either Garza or the Senate. The player never finds out the truth.
General Arkos Rakton
One of the Empire's greatest strategist and most successful field commander that has a reputation of never being defeated in any of his military campaigns. He was the mastermind behind the development of the Gauntlet super weapon. After its destruction, he led the Empire's campaign in capturing the Bastion on Corellia and hopes to use the intelligence stored in its databanks to defeat the Republic once and for all.
- All Your Base Are Belong to Us: Together with Lieutenant Pierce's Black Ops team, he led an assault on the Bastion, which was the Republic's centre of commands on Corellia.
- Anti-Villain: A mix of Type I and III
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Even as a high ranking commander, Rakton is still a good soldier and excellent fighter.
- Big Bad: For the Trooper storyline.
- The Cameo: Makes an appearance in Lieutenant Pierce's storyline for the Sith Warrior, where he sends you a holo-message just before Pierce sets out to help take the Bastion explaining the mission parameters and why you need to stay behind (they're running a False Flag Operation and the Jedi protecting it would sense you). He also gets name-dropped early on.
- Combat Pragmatist: See the quote from him above. Despite him treating the trooper as his one and only Worthy Opponent, he is not above using underhanded tactics such as attempting to kill you by luring you in a trap using Republic POWs as bait, or tried to trick the Republic Senate into shutting Havoc Squad down by slandering your reputation.
- Evil Brit: As with all Imperial characters, he speaks with a British accent.
- Evil Genius: He designed the Gauntlet super weapon and plans to defeat the Republic by analyzing all the intelligence stored in the Bastion's databanks and come up with an unbeatable strategy.
- Expy: In many ways, he's similar to Grand Admiral Thrawn, as an Imperial commander known for his strategic genius as well as relatively merciful and pragmatic nature.
- Hannibal Lecture: Delivers one to the trooper about how the Empire is a superior civilization when you confront him.
- Karma Houdini: Potentially; If he's captured, Saresh plans to trade him back to the Empire in exchange for countless prisoners of war. The Trooper can either go along with it or stop her from going through with it.
- Noble Demon: His codex entry states that soldiers under his command are strictly prohibited from harming civilians in occupied areas. And the Gauntlet super weapon is specifically designed to only be used against military targets and avoid collateral damage on large populations
- Patriotic Fervor: He's a fanatic Imperial patriot that passionately believes in the Empire's ideals and thinks that he's fighting a war of enlightenment to bring law and order to the corrupt and inferior Republic.
- Shadow Archetype: To a light-sided trooper. Both are skilled military commanders who are patriotic, brave, treat the soldiers under their charge well, and go out of the way to avoid collateral damage on innocent civilians. The only real difference is the country that you serve.
- Good Counterpart: As a result, a dark-side trooper is the embodiment of everything he's sought to fight against.
- We Will Meet Again: His last words to you if you take him alive as a prisoner instead of killing him. If you then go with the light-sided ending, it will very likely be the case.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: He seems to think he's The Hero of the story, when it's the Trooper who actually holds that title.