
How To Open Cmd With Notepad

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The command syntax you want to use is: runas /user: administrator notepad NOTE: Designating the machine name is optional. It works like this too: runas /user:administrator notepad Substitute administrator for the account name that has admin access. You will need to authenticate using this process. Here are the steps to start command prompt using notepad: 1. Open notepad in Windows. To open notepad, click the start button, accessories, then click notepad. Type 'start cmd' without quotes.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 39 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has also been viewed 272,462 times. Learn more..

An E-bomb is a simple type of computer prank that tricks a friend (or enemy) into thinking his or her computer is being hacked, is infected with a virus, or is experiencing a serious error. The process of executing an E-bomb involves writing a special kind of file using notepad which contains commands that slow down the computer, crash the system, or merely startle the user, then tricking the user into opening the file. E-bombs can be anything from a minor annoyance to a system-destroying nightmare for the user; the E-bombs in this article are intended merely as innocuous pranks, so the worst they'll do is cause a computer to crash. Note: These E-bombs are for Windows PCs - they will not work on Macs without special adjustments for compatibility. See Step 1 below to get started.

Now, open Command Prompt. You can open it on Windows 8 by going into the start menu, then type, 'Command Prompt' then click the program titled 'Command Prompt'. For older versions of windows, click the start button, then go to All Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt. Once you have it open, go to the file destination of the .java file. Then, type, 'dir', it will bring up everything in the directory. Now, type, 'javac ____.java'. Replace the blank space with your program's name. Now, type, 'java ____'. Again, replace the blank with your program's name, and remember not to type, '.java' at the end this time. It should then successfully open your program.

If you get an error when typing 'javac' then you have to set some things up before you can build java files.

How to open cmd with notepad on mac

Open File Explorer. Then go to C Drive. Then, Program Files. Then, Java. Then, jdk1.8.0_40. Then, bin. Then, click once on java. Then, click the top bar where it says 'Local Disk C > Program Files > Java > jdk1.8.0_40 > bin > java. It should highlight the text. Now, copy that text. From there, Open Control Panel, then, go to System and Security. Then, go to System. Then, go to Advanced system settings. From there, click, 'Environment Variables'. Then, click 'Path'. Now, DO NOT DELETE THE HIGHLIGHTED TEXT. You need to go to the very right-most part of all the text then type ';' then paste the text you copied from

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How To Open Cmd Prompt Window


How To Open Cmd With Notepad Windows 7

How To Open Cmd With Notepad

earlier onto the end. Then, click OK, then OK, then OK. You can now build your program.